Yamashita S, Takemura A, Ito K:Evaluation of mitochondrial dysfunction-induced hepatotoxicity in cryopreserved primary human hepatocytes using plate with high oxygen permeability and low drug adsorption 第15回 次世代を担う若手医療薬科学シンポジウム 10/23-10/24 Web開催
風岡 顯良、山田 悠士郎、桑原 佐季、青木 重樹、伊藤 晃成:Involvement of endoplasmic reticulum stress in HLA-B*57:01 polymorphism-dependent abacavir skin hypersensitivity 第15回 次世代を担う若手医療薬科学シンポジウム 10/23-10/24 Web開催
Takemura A, Yamashita S, Ishii S, Miyasako H, Wakabayashi K, Esashika K, Kouzeki T, Matsugi T, Horie T, Ito K:Evaluation of new in vitro system to detect drug-induced liver injury by using novel culture plate with high oxygen permeability and low drug adsorption. 日本薬物動態学会 第36回年会 11/16-11/19 Web開催
Ikeyama Y, Takemura A, Ito K:Mitochondrial permeability transition of bone marrow derived cells was involved in acetaminophen-induced liver injury. 日本薬物動態学会 第36回年会 11/16-11/19 Web開催
Gao Y, Aoki S, Ito K: Attempt to reproduce Flucloxacillin-induced liver injury by modulating immune response. 日本薬物動態学会 第36回年会 11/16-11/19 Web開催