原著 Original Article 2015
1. H. Ishida, S. Kimura, N. Kogure, M. Kitajima, and H. Takayama:
Total Synthesis of (±)-Lycoposerramine-R, a Novel Skeletal Type of Lycopodium Alkaloid.
Tetrahedron,71(1), 51-56 (2015).

2. M. Kitajima, T. Koyama, Y. Wu, N. Kogure, R. Zhang, and H. Takayama:
Kopsiyunnanines J1 and J2, New Strychnos-type Homo-Monoterpenoid Indole
Alkaloids from Kopsia arborea.
Nat. Prod. Commun.,10(1), 49-51 (2015).

3. H. Ishida, S. Kimura, N. Kogure, M. Kitajima, and H. Takayama:
The First Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Lycoposerramine-R.
Org. Biomol. Chem.,13(28), 7762-7771 (2015).

4. N. A. Saidin, E. Holmes, H. Takayama, N. J. Gooderham:
The Cellular Toxicology of Mitragynine, the Dominant Alkaloid of the Narcotic-like
Herb, Mitragyna speciosa Korth.
Toxicol. Res..4(5), 1173-1183 (2015).

5. R. Nakabayashi, H. Tsugawa, M. Kitajima, H. Takayama, K. Saito:
Boosting Sensitivity in Liquid Chromatography–Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron
Resonance–Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Product Ion Analysis of Monoterpene
Indole Alkaloids.
Frontiers in plant science. DOI:10.3389/fpls.2015.01127 (2015).
総説・単行書等 Review, Monograph, etc 2015
1. M. Kitajima and H. Takayama:
Chemistry of Mitragyna Alkaloids.
“Kratom and Other Mitragynines: The Chemistry and Pharmacology of Opioids
from a Non-Opium Source”, ed. by R. B. Raffa, CRC Press, Chapter 8 (p.
101-116) (2015).
2. H. Takayama and M. Kitajima:
Medicinal Chemistry Based on Mitragynine.
“Kratom and Other Mitragynines: The Chemistry and Pharmacology of Opioids
from a Non-Opium Source”, ed. by R. B. Raffa, CRC Press, Chapter 9 (p.
117-134) (2015).
3. 北島満里子, 寺田祐子, 渡辺達夫, 堀江俊治, 高山廣光:
MEDCHEM NEWS, 25, 132-137 (2015).
4. H. Takayama:
Recent Progress in Total Synthesis of Lycopodium Alkaloids.
J. Synth. Org. Chem. Jpn., 73 (11), 1072-1080 (2015).

5. 寺田祐子, 堀江俊治, 北島満里子, 高山廣光, 渡辺達夫:
Voacanga africana由来アルカロイドvoacangineの温度感受性TRPチャネルに対する活性・阻害作用.
食品加工技術 (日本食品・機械研究会誌), 35 (2), 1-12 (49-60) (2015).
6. 高山廣光(分担執筆): 生薬の化学成分:アルカロイド, 漢方薬・生薬薬剤師講座テキスト4 第4版(日本薬剤師研修センター)142-154
原著 Original Article 2014
1. M. Azuma, T. Yoshikawa, N. Kogure, M. Kitajima, and H. Takayama:
Biogenetically Inspired Total Syntheses of Lycopodium Alkaloids, (+)-Flabellidine and (–)-Lycodine.
J. Am. Chem. Soc.,136(33), 11618-11621 (2014).

2. M. Kitajima, Y. Murakami, N. Takahashi, Y. Wu, N. Kogure, R. Zhang,
and H. Takayama:
Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Novel Pentacyclic Indole Alkaloid, Kopsiyunnanine
E, Isolated from Kopsia arborea.
Org. Lett.,16(19), 5000-5003 (2014).

3. M. Kitajima, M. Anbe, N. Kogure, S. Wongseripipatana, and H. Takayama:
Indole alkaloids from Kopsia jasminiflora.
Tetrahedron,70(47) 9099-9106 (2014).

4. K. Matsumoto, M. Narita, N. Muramatsu, T. Nakayama, K. Misawa, M. Kitajima,
K. Tashima, L. A. Devi, T. Suzuki, H. Takayama, and S. Horie:
Orally Active Opioid μ/δ Dual Agonist MGM-16, a Derivative of the Indole
Alkaloid Mitragynine, Exhibits Potent Analgesic Effect on Neuropathic Pain
in Mice.
J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., 348 (3), 383-392 (2014).

5. Y. Terada, S. Horie, H. Takayama, K. Uchida, M. Tominaga, and T. Watanabe:
Activation and Inhibition of Thermosensitive TRP Channels by Voacangine,
an Alkaloid Present in Voacanga Africana, an African Tree.
J. Nat. Prod., 77 (2), 285-297 (2014).

6. H. Nishiyama, M. Ono, T. Sugimoto, T. Sasai, N. Asakawa, S. Ueno, Y.
Tominaga, T. Yaegashi, M. Nagaoka, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kogure, M. Kitajima,
and H. Takayama:
4-Chlorocolchicine Derivatives Bearing a Thiourea Side Chain at the C-7
Position as Potent Anticancer Agents.
Med. Chem. Commun.,5(4), 452-458 (2014).

7. Y. Terada, M. Kitajima, F. Taguchi, H. Takayama, S. Horie, and T. Watanabe:
Identification of Indole Alkaloid Structural Units Important for Stimulus-Selective
TRPM8 Inhibition: SAR Study of Naturally Occurring Iboga Derivatives.
J. Nat. Prod.,77(8), 1831-1838 (2014).

8. M. A. Tan, C. N. L. Concepcion, G. J. D. Alejandro, and H. Takayama:
Chemotaxonomic Relevance of the Constituents from the Leaves of Rothmannia merrillii.
J. Chem. Pharm. Res.,6(6), 779-781 (2014).
9. M. A. Tan, G. F. M. Panghulan, M. M. Uy, and H. Takayama:
Chemical Constituents from Psychotria cadigensis and Their Chemotaxonomic Relevance.
Am. J. Essent. Oils Nat. Prod.,1(4), 18-19 (2014).
10. M. A. Tan, R. A. U. Villacorta, G. J. D. Alejandro, and H. Takayama:
Iridoids and a Norsesquiterpenoid from the Leaves of Villaria odorata.
Nat. Prod. Commun.,9(9), 1229-1230 (2014).
11. K. Yonekura-Sakakibara, R. Nakabayashi, S. Sugawara, T. Tohge, T. Ito,
M. Koyanagi, M. Kitajima, H. Takayama, and K. Saito:
A Flavonoid 3-O-Glucoside: 2”-O-Glucosyltransferase Responsible for Terminal Modification of Pollen-specific
Flavonols in Arabidopsis thaliana.
Plant J.,79(5), 769-782 (2014).
12. L. M. R. Al Muqarrabun, N. Ahmat, S. R. S. Aris, N. Shamsulrijal, S.
N. Baharum, R. Ahmad, A. R. Rosandy, M. N. Suratman, and H. Takayama:
A New Sesquiterpenoid from Scaphium macropodum (Miq.) Beumee.
Nat. Prod. Res.,28(9), 597-605 (2014).
13. A. Wibowo, N. Ahmat, A. S. Hamzah, F. A. Latif, J. S. Norrizah, H.
Y. Khong, H. Takayama:
Identification and Biological Activity of Secondary Metabolites from Dryobalanops beccarii.
Pytochemistry Lett.,9, 117-122 (2014).
原著 Original Article 2013
1. M. Kitajima, M. Iwai, N. Kogure, R. Kikura-Hanajiri, Y. Goda, and H.
Takayama :
Aspidosperma-aspidosperma-type Bisindole Alkaloids from Voacanga africana.
Tetrahedron,69(2) , 796-801 (2013).

2. M. Kitajima, S. Ohara, N. Kogure, D. Santiarworn, and H. Takayama:
β-Carboline-type indole alkaloid glycosides from Ophiorrhiza trichocarpon.
Tetrahedron,69(45) , 9451-9456 (2013).

3. M. E. Bungihan, M. A. Tan, H. Takayama, T. E. E. dela Crus, and M. G.
A New Macrolide isolated from the Endophytic Fungus Colletotrichum sp.
Phillippine Sci. Lett.,6(1), 57-73 (2013).
4. M. A. Tan, J. A. Eusebio, R. A. P. Villacorta, N. Kogure, H. Takayama,
and G. J. D. Alejandro:
Isolation and Identification of Vomifoliol from Two Endemic Philippine
Rubiaceae Species,
Psychotria gitingensis and Villaria odorata.
Asia-Pac. J. Sci. Math. Eng.,1(1), 1-3 (2013).
原著 Original Article 2012
1. A. Nakayama, M. Kitajima, and H. Takayama :
Syntheses of Fawcettimine-type Lycopodium Alkaloids Utilizing Pauson-Khand Reaction.
Synlett,23(14), 2014-2024 (2012) Invited Account.

2. M. Kitajima, S. Ohara, N. Kogure, Y. Wu, R. Zhang, and H. Takayama :
New Indole Alkaloids from Melodinus henryi.
Heterocycles,85(8), 1949-1959 (2012).

3. N. Kogure, Y. Suzuki, Y. Wu, M. Kitajima, R. Zhang, and H. Takayama
Chemical Conversion of Strychnine into Kopsiyunnanine-I, a New Hexacyclic
Indole Alkaloid from Yunnan Kopsia arborea.
Tetrahedron Lett.,53(48), 6523-6526 (2012).

4. H. Nishiyama, M. Ono, T. Sugimoto, T. Sasai, N. Asakawa, T. Matsumoto,
T. Yaegashi, M. Nagaoka, T. Matsuzaki, N. Kogure, M. Kitajima, and H. Takayama
Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of 4-Chlorocolchicine Derivatives as
Potent Anticancer Agents with Broad Effective Dosage Ranges.
Med. Chem. Comm.,3(12), 1500-1504 (2012).

5. M. Harada, K. Asaba, M. Iwai, N. Kogure, M. Kitajima and H. Takayama
Asymmetric Total Synthesis of an Iboga-Type Indole Alkaloid, Voacangalactone,
Newly Isolated from Voacanga africana.
Org. Lett.,14(22), 5800-5803 (2012).

6. M. A. Tan, M. G. Nonato, M. Kitajima, N. Kogure, and H. Takayama :
Secondary Metabolites from Pandanus simplex.
Biochem. Syst. Ecol.,40, 4-5 (2012).
7. K. Matsumoto, M. Lo, T. Hosoya, K. Tashima, H. Takayama, T. Murayama,
and S. Horie :
Experimental Colitis Alters Expression of 5-HT Receptors and Transient
Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 Leading to Visceral Hypersensitivity in
Lab. Invest.,92(5), 769-782 (2012).
8. A. H. Abou-Donia, E. A. Shawky, M. M. Mohy El-Din, H. Takayama, and
A. A. Seif El Din :
Bio-guided Isolation of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitory Alkaloids from
the Bulbs of Crinum bulbispermum.
Natural Products: An Indian Journal,8(3), 107-114 (2012).
9. A. Wibowo, N. Ahmat, A. S. Hamzah, A. L. M. Low, S. A. S. Mohamad, H.
Y. Khong, A. S. Sufian, N. Manshoor, H. Takayama :
Malaysianol B, an Oligostilbenoid Derivative from Dryobalanops lanceolata.
Fitoterapia,83(8), 1569-1575 (2012).
Review 2012
1. M. Kitajima and H. Takayama :
Lycopodium Alkaloids: Isolation and Asymmetric Synthesis.
Topics in Current Chemistry, “Alkaloid Synthesis”, ed. by H.-J. Knölker,
Springer, 309, 1-32 (2012).