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千葉大学医学部附属病院 教授・薬剤部長  石井 伊都子

In recent years, with the advancement of medical care and the diversification of pathological conditions due to complications, drug treatment has become more complex. In addition, more and more drugs are being developed based on detailed scientific evidence, such as molecular-targeted drugs. Drugs of various sizes and properties are used, from low-molecular-weight compounds to high-molecular-weight compounds including proteins, and their combinations are also complicated.

Pharmacist is a profession that can interpret events in the most "chemical" way among medical professions. We try to “chemically” understand whether a drug works or whether side effects appear, and solve it “chemically”. By looking at the complex combinations mentioned above from this "chemical" perspective, it is possible to judge whether they are harmless or dangerous combinations. In order for patients to use the most suitable drugs safely, we would like to discover risks with our "chemical eye" and devote ourselves to providing better drug treatment.

Pharmacists will not only dispense drugs within the pharmacy department, but will also have to contribute to the drug treatment of patients at the patient's bedside together with other medical professionals. Our activities include proposing medicines that are suitable for the patient's condition and situation, and monitoring side effects. In addition, it will be possible to realize personalized medicine such as therapeutic drug monitoring and genetic diagnosis.

I believe that the essence of medical care is to value the subjective intentions of patients and to pursue their happiness and satisfaction. In order to realize such patient-centered medical care, it is important that many specialists work together and support patient treatment as a team. My idea of ​​team medical care is that a dynamic team is created as a result of daily collaboration between pharmacists and other professions for patients. To that end, I believe that pharmacists should continue to develop their "chemical eyes" and contribute to the drug treatment of patients together with medical professionals.

Itsuko ISHII,
Professor, Pharmacy manager, Chiba University Hospital