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原著論文、総説、単行書等 article



  1. Bhateria M, Taneja I, Karsauliya K, Sonker KA, Shibata Y, Sato H, Singh SP, Hisaka A.: Predicting the in vivo developmental toxicity of fenarimol from in vitro toxicity data using PBTK modelling-facilitated reverse dosimetry approach. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 484:116879. (2024)
  2. Jin R, Yoshioka H, Sato H, Hisaka A.: Data-driven disease progression model of Parkinson's Disease and effect of sex and genetic variants. CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology, 13(4):649-659 (2024)
  3. Soejima Y, Yoshioka H, Guro S, Sato H, Hatakeyama H, Sato Y, Fujimoto Y, Anzai N, Hisaka A.: Exercise training outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction depend on patient background. Front. Cardiovasc. Med. 11:1330235 (2024)
  4. Yoshitomo A, Asano S, Hozuki S, Tamemoto Y, Shibata Y, Hashimoto N, Takahashi K, SasakiY, Ozawa N, Kageyama M, Iijima T, Kazuki Y, Sato H, Hisaka A.: Significance of Basal Membrane Permeability of Epithelial Cells in Predicting Intestinal Drug Absorption, Drug Metab Dispos, 51(3):318-328. doi: 10.1124/dmd.122.000907 (2023)
  5. 大野能之,永井尚美,樋坂章博,高田龍平:CYP3A 阻害作用に基づく薬物相互作用の添付文書における注意喚起の現状と課題. 医薬品情報学, 25 巻 1 号 p. 38-46 (2023)
  6. Hozuki S, Yoshioka H, Asano S, Nakamura M, Koh S, Shibata Y, Tamemoto Y, Sato H, HisakaA.: Integrated use of in vitro and in vivo information for comprehensive prediction of drug interactions due to inhibition of multiple CYP isoenzymes, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 62(6):849-860 (2023)
  7. Tamemoto Y, Shibata Y, Hashimoto N, Sato H, Hisaka A.: Involvement of multiple cytochrome P450 isoenzymes in drug interactions between ritonavir and direct oral anticoagulants. Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, 53, 100498 (2023)
  8. Kitaguchi T, Ito M, Ohno K, Kobayashi K, Sato H, Iwao T, Matsunaga T, Tanaka M, Hisaka A.: In vitro-based prediction of human plasma concentrations of food-related compounds. ALTEX - Alternatives to animal experimentation, doi: 10.14573/altex.230213 (2023)
  9. Sato H, Marutani R, Takaoka R, Mori-Fegan D, Wang X, Maeda K, Kusuhara H, Suzuki H, Yoshioka H, Hisaka A.: Model-based meta-analysis of ethnic differences and their variabilities in clearance of oral drugs classified by clearance mechanism. CPT: Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology, 12(8):1132-1142. doi: 10.1002/psp4.12980 (2023)
  1. 大野能之,前田和哉,樋坂章博.治療薬ハンドブック(2023版)付録 CYPの関与する薬物相互作用薬の強度分類表,じほう (2022)
  2. 大野能之,前田和哉,樋坂章博.治療薬ハンドブック(2024版)付録 CYPの関与する薬物相互作用薬の強度分類表,じほう (2023)


  1. Soejima K, Sato H, Hisaka A.: Age-related change in hepatic clearance inferred from multiple population pharmacokinetic studies, comparison with renal clearance and their associations with organ weight and blood flow, Clinical Pharmacokinetics, 61(2):295-305.doi: 10.1007/s40262-021-01069-z. (2022)
  2. Arai T, Kokubo T, Tang R, Abo H, Terui A, Hirakawa J, Akita H, Kawashima H, Hisaka A, Hatakeyama H: Tumor-associated neutrophils and macrophages exacerbate antidrug IgG_x0002_mediated anaphylactic reaction against an immune checkpoint inhibitor J Immunother Cancer(2022)
  3. Yamamoto M, Kurino T, Matsuda R, Jones HS, Nakamura Y, Kanamori T, Tsuji AB, Sugyo A, Tsuda R, Matsumoto Y, Sakurai Y, Suzuki H, Sano M, Osada K, Uehara T, Ishii Y, Akita H, Arano Y, Hisaka A, Hatakeyama H.: Delivery of aPD-L1 antibody to i.p. tumors via direct penetration by i.p. route: Beyond EPR effect J Control Release(2022)
  4. Tanaka A, Honda T, Yasue M, Yamazaki R, Hatakeyama H, Hisaka A, Mashimo M, Kohama T, Nakamura H, Murayama T: Effects of ceramide kinase knockout on lipopolysaccharide treated sepsis-model mice: Changes in serum cytokine/chemokine levels and increased lethality J Pharmacol Sci (2022)
  5. 櫻田大也、本田拓也、石川雅之、内田雅士、佐藤洋美、鈴木聡子、東顕二郎、山口憲孝、鈴木紀行、小林江梨子、神﨑哲人、関根祐子、佐藤信範: 実務実習事前学習における自己学習教材の構築 医薬品相互作用研究会,46巻, 2号(2022)
  6. 大野能之、永井尚美、樋坂章博、高田龍平: CYP3A 阻害作用に基づく薬物相互作用の添付文書における注意喚起の現状と課題 医薬品情報学 in press(2023)


  1. Shibata Y, Tamemoto Y, Singh SP, Yoshitomo A, Hozuki S, Sato H, Hisaka A: Plausible drug interaction between cyclophosphamide and voriconazole via inhibition of CYP2B6. Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics, 39, 100396 (2021)
  2. Maishi N, Sakurai Y, Hatakeyama H, Umeyama Y, Nakamura T, Endo R, Alam MT, Li C, Annan DA, Kikuchi H, Morimoto H, Morimoto M, Akiyama K, Ohga N, Hida Y, Harashima H, Hida K.: Novel antiangiogenic therapy targeting biglycan in tumor endothelial cells using liposomal-siRNA delivery system. Cancer Science, 113(5), 1855-1867 (2022)
  3. Nakamura T, Kawakami K, Nomura M, Sato Y, Hyodo M, Hatakeyama H, Hayakawa Y, Harashima H: Combined nano cancer immunotherapy based on immune status in a tumor microenvironment. J Control Release, 345, 200-213 (2022)
  4. Hoshino Y, Yoshioka H, Hisaka A: Comparison of Predictions by BCS, rDCS and Machine Learning for the Effect of Food on Oral Drug Absorption Based on Features Calculated In silico. The AAPS Journal, 24(1), 10 (2021)
  5. Kanamori T, Miyazaki N, Aoki S, Ito K, Hisaka A, Hatakeyama H: Investigation of energy metabolic dynamism in hyperthermia-resistant ovarian and uterine cancer cells under heat stress. Scientific Report, 11(1), 14726 (2021)
  6. Asano S, Yoshitomo A, Hozuki S, Sato H, Kazuki Y, Hisaka A.: A new intestinal model for analysis of drug absorption and interactions considering physiological translocation of contents. Drug metabolism and disposition, 49(7), 581-591 (2021)
  7. Takaoka R, Soejima Y, Guro S, Yoshioka H, Sato H, Suzuki H, Hisaka A.: Model-based meta-analysis of changes in circulatory system physiology in patients with chronic heart failure: MBMA of circulatory system physiology in CHF. CPT Pharmacometrics Syst Pharmacol., 10(9), 1081-1091 (2021)
  8. Sato H, Shimizu A, Okawa T, Uzu M, Goto M, Hisaka A: Metabolome Shift in Both Metastatic Breast Cancer Cells and Astrocytes Which May Contribute to the Tumor Microenvironment. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22(14), 7430 (2021)
  9. Okawa T, Hara K, Goto M, Kiukuchi M, Kogane M, Hatakeyama H, Tanaka H, Shirane D, Akita H, Hisaka A, Sato H: Effect of cGAMP emitted from metastatic brain tumors on the metabolism of astrocytes in contact with tumors. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 22(16), 9028 (2021)
  1. Maeda K, Hisaka A, Ito K, Ohno Y, Ishiguro A, Sato R, Nagai N: Classification of drugs for evaluating drug interaction in drug development and clinical management. Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics 41, 100414 (2021)
  2. 上野光一、佐藤洋美: 性差を意識した診療 薬物代謝と性差 内科 127(5), 1075-1078 (2021)
  3. 金森大誠、畠山浩人: 温熱に耐性を示す卵巣がん細胞の発見と熱ストレスに応答する代謝適応の解明 日本熱測定学会 48(4), 142 (2021)
  4. 佐藤洋美: 脳転移を支配するDNAメチル基転移酵素,DNMT1と脳微小環境の関係性 ファルマシア 生物系薬学トピックス 57(9), 858 (2021)
  1. 大野能之,樋坂章博(鈴木洋史監修). これからの薬物相互マネジメント〜臨床を変えるPISCSの基本と実践〜 第2版, じほう, 2021.
  2. 髙久史麿 監修、樋坂章博(薬物相互作用について監修). 治療薬ハンドブック2021 じほう, 2021.
  3. 髙久史麿 監修、樋坂章博(薬物相互作用について監修). 治療薬ハンドブック2022 じほう, 2022.
  1. 医療薬学会: パキロビッド(ニルマトレルビル/リトナビル)の薬物相互作用マネジメントの手引き, 2022 年 2 月 22 日発出 (樋坂)


  1. Kurino T, Matsuda R, Terui A, Suzuki H, Kokubo T, Uehara T, Arano Y, Hisaka A, Hatakeyama H: Poor outcome with anti-programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) antibody due to poor pharmacokinetic properties in PD-1/PD-L1 blockade-sensitive mouse models. J. ImmunoTher. Cancer, 8, e000400 (2020)
  2. Cao Q, Zhou M, Wang W, Shi S, Zhao J, Geng Ku, Huang Q, Wen X, Li F, Hatakeyama H, Xu C, Piwnica-Worms D, Peng W, Zhou D, Sood AK, Li C: Induction of Anti-tumor Immunity in Mice by the Combination of Nanoparticle-Based Photothermolysis and Anti-PD-1 Checkpoint Inhibition. Nanomedicine, 25, 102169 (2020)
  3. Cho R, Sakurai Y, Jones HS, Akita H, Hisaka A, Hatakeyama H: Silencing of VEGFR2 by RGD modified lipid nanoparticle synergistically enhanced the efficacy of anti-PD-1 antibody by accelerating vascular normalization and infiltration of T cells in tumors. Cancers, 12, 3630 (2020)
  4. Tomizawa S, Tomari M, Tanaka A, Utsumi N, Sato H, Hatakeyama H, Hisaka A, Kohama T, Yamagata K, Honda T, Nakamura H, Murayama T: Inhibitory effects of ceramide kinase on Rac1 activation, lamellipodium formation, cell migration, and metastasis of A549 lung cancer cells. Biochim. Biophys. Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1965(6), 158675 (2020)
  5. Hisaka A. Yoshioka Y, Hatakeyama H, Sato H, Onouchi Y, Anzai N: Global comparison of changes in the number of test-positive cases and deaths by Coronavirus Infection (COVID-19) in the World. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 9(6), 1904 (2020)
  6. Kawamatsu S, Jin R, Araki S, Yoshioka H, Sato H, Sato Y, Hisaka A: Scores of Health-Related Quality of Life Questionnaire Worsen Consistently in Patients of COPD: Estimating Disease Progression over 30 Years by SReFT with Individual Data Collected in SUMMIT Trial J. Clin. Med., 9(8), 2676 (2020)
  7. Jin R, Akihiro Hisaka: Implementing PRED Subroutine of NONMEM for Versatile Pharmacokinetic Analysis using Fast Inversion of Laplace Transform (FILT) Chem. Pharm. Bull, 68(9), 891-894 (2020)
  1. 佐藤洋美、船木麻美、木村友紀、住友麻衣、吉田博也、奥村明子、深田秀樹、細山浩、黒田正幸、大川柊弥、樋坂章博、上野光一: パラグアイ原産ハーブ,Cyclolepis genistoides D. Don(パロアッスル)の抗糖尿病作用. 日薬理誌(Folia Pharmacol. Jpn.) 155, 202-208 (2020)
  2. 宮本理人、佐藤洋美: 薬学に革新をもたらす最先端技術の世界 ~基礎研究から臨床まで~. YAAKUGAKU ZASSHI 140, 961-962 (2020)
  3. 佐藤洋美: 腎細胞がん薬物抵抗性とメタボローム変化の連関 YAAKUGAKU ZASSHI 140, 963-968 (2020)
  4. 畠山浩人: 薬剤学を基盤としたDDS・抗体医薬のがん治療に関する研究 薬剤学 81, 75-80 (2021)
  5. 原島秀吉、畠山浩人: 平成のDDS(siRNA/リポソーム編)を原島先生と共に振り返る~MEND(細胞内動態制御)とPEGジレンマはこうして誕生した~ 薬剤学 80(1), 13-23 (2020)
  6. 畠山浩人: 担癌マウスモデルを用いた免疫チェックポイント阻害剤の体内動態研究 ファルマシア 56(8), 760-764 (2020)
  1. 樋坂章博. 治療薬ハンドブック(2020) じほう. 相互作用する薬物について監修.
  1. 厚生労働省: 医薬品の曝露-反応解析ガイドライン, 2020 年 6 月 8 日発出 (樋坂)
  1. 佐藤洋美, 上野光一: AMPK 活性化用組成物. 出願人:株式会社 IHM、佐藤洋美、上野光一, 特許番号:特許第 6636396 号 2020.1.29


  1. Ishida, T., Tokuda, K., Hisaka, A., Honma, M., Kijima, S., Takatoku, H., Iwatsubo, T., Moritoyo, T.,Suzuki, H.: Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. A Novel Method to Estimate Long-Term Chronological Changes From Fragmented Observations in Disease Progression. Clin Pharmacol Ther., 105, 436-447 (2019)
  2. Oishi, N., Iwata, H., Kambe, N., Kobayashi, N., Fujimoto, K., Sato, H., Hisaka, A., Ueno, K.,Yamaura, K.: Expression of precipitating factors of pruritus found in humans in an imiquimod-induced psoriasis mouse model. Heliyon, 5, e01981 (2019)
  3. Sato, H., Uzu, M., Kashiba, T., Fujiwara, T., Hatakeyama, H., Ueno, K.,Hisaka, A.: Trichostatin A modulates cellular metabolism in renal cell carcinoma to enhance sunitinib sensitivity. European Journal of Pharmacology, 847, 143-157 (2019)
  4. Uzu, M., Nonaka, M., Miyano, K., Sato, H., Kurebayashi, N., Yanagihara, K., Sakurai, T., Hisaka, A.,Uezono, Y.: A novel strategy for treatment of cancer cachexia targeting xanthine oxidase in the brain. J. Pharmacol. Sci,. 140, 109-112 (2019)
  1. 畠山浩人: 温熱耐性がん細胞の発見とナノ粒子を利用した新規がん温熱療法の構築. 薬剤学, 79, 80-83 (2019)
  1. 大野能之, 樋坂章博: 医療現場のための薬物相互作用リテラシー 南山堂 (2019)
  2. 樋坂章博: 治療薬ハンドブック(2019) じほう. 相互作用する薬物について監修 (2019)
  3. Khalil, I., Hatakeyama, H., Nakamura, T.,Harashima, H.: A Multifunctional Envelope-type Nano Device for Cancer Therapy. Cancer Therapy Using Drug-delivery Systems Based on the Tumor Microenvironment., 217-251 (2019)


  1. Hatakeyama, H.: Development of a novel liposomal DDS by manipulating pharmacokinetics and intracellular trafficking for drug therapy and nucleic acid medicine. YAKUGAKU ZASSHI, 138, 591-598 (2018)
  2. Hatakeyama, H., Fujiwara, T., Sato, H., Terui, A.,Hisaka, A.: Investigation of metabolomic changes in sunitinib-resistant human renal carcinoma 786-O cells by capillary electrophoresis-time of flight mass spectrometry. Biol. Pharm. Bull., 41, 619-627 (2018)
  3. Mitamura, T., Pradeep, S., McGuire, M., Wu, S., Hatakeyama, H., Ma, S., Chen, X., Lyons, Y., Hisamatsu, T., Noh, K., Villar-Prados, A., Ivan, C., Rodriguez-Aguayo, C., Hu, W., Lopez-Berestein, G., Coleman, R.,Sood, A.: Induction of anti-VEGF therapy resistance by upregulated expression of microseminoprotein, prostate-associated. Oncogene, 37, 722- 731 (2018)
  4. Sato, M., Toshimoto, K., Tomaru, A., Yoshikado, T., Tanaka, Y., Hisaka, A., Lee, W.,Sugiyama, Y.: Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Bosentan Identifies the Saturable Hepatic Uptake as A Major Contributor to Its Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics. Drug Metab. Dispos., 46, 740-748 (2018)
  5. Sekine, Y., Shimada, M., Satake, S., Okubo, M., Hisaka, A., Hara, T., Honjo, M.,Aihara, M.: Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Intraocular Penetration of Latanoprost Solutions with Different Preservatives in Human Eyes. J. Ocul. Pharmacol. Ther., 34, 280-286 (2018)
  6. 百 賢二, 米澤 淳, 岩本卓也, 大野能之, 木村丈司, 樋坂章博, 伊藤清美: 医療現場における薬物相互作用へのかかわり方(3) 実験研究および調査研究事例. 医療薬学,44, 559-567 (2018)
  7. 大野能之, 樋坂章博, 岩本卓也, 木村丈司, 百 賢二, 米澤 淳, 伊藤清美: 医療現場における薬物相互作用へのかかわり方(1) 新しいガイドラインと医療現場でのマネジメント. 医療薬学,44, 537-545 (2018)
  8. 木村丈司, 岩本卓也, 大野能之, 樋坂章博, 百 賢二, 米澤 淳, 伊藤清美: 医療現場における薬物相互作用へのかかわり方(2) 対応事例・問題点に関するこれまでの報告と特別な背景をもつ患者における薬物相互作用の考え方. 医療薬学,44, 546-558 (2018)
  1. Uzu, M., Sin, W., Shimizu, A.,Sato, H.: Conflicting roles of Connexin43 in tumor invasion and growth in the central nervous system. Int. J. Mol. Sci,. 19, 1159 (2018)
  1. 厚生労働省: 医薬品開発と適正な情報提供のための薬物相互作用ガイドライン, 2018年7月23日発出 (樋坂)
  1. 上野光一,佐藤洋美: 性差医学・医療の進歩と臨床展開 Vol.9:薬物動態と薬力学における性差. 医学のあゆみ (2018)
  2. 樋坂章博: 治療薬ハンドブック(2018) じほう. 相互作用する薬物について監修 (2018)


  1. Ando, H. Hatakeyama, H. Sato, H. Hisaka, A. Suzuki, H. Determinants of intestinal availability for P-glycoprotein substrate drugs estimated by extensive simulation with mathematical absorption models. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences (2017), vol.106, no.9, p.2771-2779
  2. Yamamoto, T. Furihata, K. Hisaka, A. Moritoyo, T. Ogoe, K. Kusayama, S. Motohashi, K. Mori, A. Iwatsubo, T. Suzuki, H. Notable drug-drug interaction between etizolam and itraconazole in poor metabolizers of cytochrome P450 2C19. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (2017)
  3. Court, KA. Hatakeyama, H., Wu, SY., Lingegowda, MS., Rodríguez-Aguayo, C., López-Berestein, G., Lee, JS., Rinaldi, C., Juan, EJ., Sood, AK., Torres-Lugo, M. HSP70 inhibition synergistically enhances the effects of magnetic fluid hyperthermia in ovarian cancer. Mol. Cancer Ther. (2017), vol.16, no.5, p.966-976
  4. Hatakeyama, H. Recent advances in Endogenous and Exogenous stimuli-responsive nanocarriers for drug delivery and therapeutics. Chem. Pharm. Bull (2017), vol.65, no.7, p.612-617
  5. Uzu, M. Sato, H., Ayaka, S., Shibata, Y., Ueno, K., Hisaka, A. Connexin 43 enhances Bax activation via JNK activation in sunitinib-induced apoptosis in mesothelioma cells. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences (2017), vol.134, p.101-107
  6. Sekine, Y. Shimada, M., Satake, S., Okubo, M., Hisaka, A., Hara, T., Honjo, M., Aihara, M. Pharmacokinetic Analysis of Intraocular Penetration of Latanoprost Solutions with Different Preservatives in Human Eyes. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics (2018)
  7. Sato, M. Toshimoto, K., Tomaru, A., Yoshikado, T., Tanaka, Y., Hisaka, A., Lee, W., Sugiyama, Y. Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling of Bosentan Identifies the Saturable Hepatic Uptake as A Major Contributor to Its Nonlinear Pharmacokinetics. Drug Metabolism & Disposition
  1. 上野光一 佐藤洋美 性差医学・医療の進歩と臨床展開Vol.9:薬物動態と薬力学における性差Gender Differences in Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics 医学のあゆみ (2017)
  2. 樋坂 章博 大野 能之 高齢者で注意が必要な代表的薬剤一覧 (巻頭特集 加齢で高まる! 薬のリスク : 有害事象が起きやすくなる理由) ナース専科 (2017), vol.37, no.7, p.39-41
  3. 秋下 雅弘 樋坂 章博, 大野 能之 高齢者への薬物療法はこう考える (巻頭特集 加齢で高まる! 薬のリスク : 有害事象が起きやすくなる理由) ナース専科 (2017), vol.37, no.7, p.28-35
  4. 樋坂 章博 トップダウンのファーマコメトリクスによる疾患治療モデルの構築 (特集 ファーマコメトリクス : 創薬と薬物治療マネジメントでの活用) 医薬ジャーナル (2017), vol.53, no.5, p.83-93


  1. Kibria, G., Hatakeyama, H., Sato, Y., Harashima, H.:Anti-Tumor Effect via Passive Anti-angiogenesis of PEGylated Liposomes Encapsulating Doxorubicin in Drug Resistant Tumors. Int. J. Pharm. 2016 509(1-2) 178-187
  2. Sato, H., Funaki, A., Kimura, Y., Sumitomo, M., Yoshida, H., Fukata, H., Ueno, K.:Ethanol extract of Cyclolepis genistoides D. Don (palo azul) induces formation of myotubes, which involves differentiation of C2C12 myoblast cells. Nutrition Research 2016 36(7) 731-741
  3. Huang, Y., Lichtenberger, LM., Taylor, M., Bottsford-Miller, JN., Haemmerle, M., Wagner, MJ., Lyons, Y., Pradeep, S., Hu, W., Previs, RA., Hansen, JM., Fang, D., Domiak, PL., Filant, J., Dial, EJ., Shen, F., Hatakeyama, H., Sood, AK.: Anti-tumor and Anti-angiogenic Effects of Aspirin-PC in Ovarian Cancer. Mol. Cancer Ther. 2016 15(12) 2894-2904
  4. Hatakeyama, H., Wu, SY., Lyons, YA., Pradeep, S., Wang, W., Huan, Q., Court, KA., Liu, T., Nie, S., Rodríguez-Aguayo, C., Shen, F., Huang, Y., Hisamatsu, T., Mitamura, T., Shim, J., Dorniak, PL., Lingegowda, MS., Petrillo, M., Petyuk, VA., Schepmoes, AA., Shukla, AK., Torres-Lugo, M., Lee, JS., Rodland, KD., Fagotti, A., López-Berestein, G., Li, C., Sood, AK. : Role of CTGF in Sensitivity to Hyperthermia in Ovarian and Uterine Cancers. Cell Rep. 2016 17(6) 1621-1631
  5. Court, KA., Hatakeyama, H., Wu, SY., Lingegowda, MS., Rodríguez-Aguayo, C., López-Berestein, G., Lee, JS., Rinaldi, C., Juan, EJ., Sood, AK., Torres-Lugo, M.: HSP70 inhibition synergistically enhances the effects of magnetic fluid hyperthermia in ovarian cancer. Mol. Cancer Ther. 2017 16(5) 966-976
  6. Ando, H., Hatakeyama, H., Sato, H., Hisaka, A., Suzuki, H.: Determinants of intestinal availability for P-glycoprotein substrate drugs estimated by extensive simulation with mathematical absorption models. J Pharm Sci. 2017 106(9) 2771-2779
  7. Hatakeyama, H.: Recent advances in Endogenous and Exogenous stimuli-responsive nanocarriers for drug delivery and therapeutics. Chem. Pharm. Bull 2017 65(7) 612-617
  8. 畠山浩人; 原島秀吉: PEGジレンマ-生体内安定性と細胞内動態の制御によるがんへの遺伝子・核酸デリバリー Drug Delivery System 2016 31(4) 293-299
  9. Yamamoto,T., Furihata, K., Hisaka, A., Moritoyo, T., Ogoe, K., Kusayama, S., Motohashi, K., Mori, A., Iwatsubo, T., Suzuki, H.: Notable drug-drug interaction between etizolam and itraconazole in poor metabolizers of cytochrome P450 2C19. J, Clin, Pharmacol.
  10. Takaki, J., Ohno, Y., Yamada, M., Yamaguchi, R., Hisaka, A., Suzuki, H. : Assessment of drug-drug interaction between warfarin and aprepitant and its effects on PT-INR of patients receiving anticancer chemotherapy. Biol Pharm. Bull 2016 39(5) 863-868
  1. 佐藤洋美、倉内祐樹、大澤匡弘、村上友康、粂 和彦、籠田智美、岩田紗季、丸山加菜、和久田浩一、篠塚和正、葛巻直子、成田道子、池上大悟、成田 年、黒田正幸、武城英明、麻生雅是、齋藤 康、横手幸太郎、友田明美: S34 次世代薬理研究者のビジョン:ベンチワークからベッドまで Yakugaku-Zasshi 2016 136(5) 685-714


  1. Uzu, M., Sato, H., Yamada, R., Kashiba, T., Shibata, Y., Yamaura, K., Ueno, K.:Effect of enhanced expression of connexin 43 on sunitinib-induced cytotoxicity in mesothelioma cells.Journal of Pharmacological Sciences 2015 128(1) 17-26
  2. Yamaura, K., Tanaka, R., Bi, Y., Fukata, H., Oishi, N., Sato, H., Mori, C., Ueno, K.:Protective Effect of Young Green Barley Leaf (Hordeum vulgare L.) on Restraint Stress-Induced Decrease in Hippocampal BDNF in Mice. Pharmacognosy Mag. 2015 11(42) 86-92
  3. Sato, H., Funaki, A., Kimura, Y., Sumitomo, M., Yoshida, H., Fukata, H., Ueno, K.:Ethanol extract of Cyclolepis genistoides D. Don (palo azul) induces formation of myotubes, which involves differentiation of C2C12 myoblast cells. Nutrition Research 2016
  1. 樋坂章博:レギュラトリーサイエンスにおけるモデリングとシミュレーションの役割 日本薬理学雑誌 2015 146(4) 180-
  2. 佐藤洋美、倉内祐樹、大澤匡弘、村上友康、粂 和彦、籠田智美、岩田紗季、丸山加菜、和久田浩一、篠塚和正、葛巻直子、成田道子、池上大悟、成田 年、黒田正幸、武城英明、麻生雅是、齋藤 康、横手幸太郎、友田明美:S34 次世代薬理研究者のビジョン:ベンチワークからベッドまで Yakugaku-Zasshi 2016


  1. Ohno Y, Yamada M, Yamaguchi R, Hisaka A, Suzuki H. Persistent drug interaction between aprepitant and warfarin in patients receiving anticancer chemotherapy. AAPS J. 2014, 11(42) (Suppl) S86-92, 2015.
  2. Ito N, Ito K, Ikebuchi Y, Kito T, Miyata H, Toyoda Y, Takada T, Hisaka A, Honma M, Oka A, Kusuhara H, Suzuki H. Organic Cation Transporter/Solute Carrier Family 22a is Involved in Drug Transfer into Milk in Mice. J Pharm Sci. 2014; 103: 3342-8.
  3. Hisaka A, Nakamura M, Tsukihashi A, Koh S, Suzuki H.Assessment of intestinal availability (FG) of substrate drugs of cytochrome p450s by analyzing changes in pharmacokinetic properties caused by drug-drug interactions. Drug Metab Dispos. 2014 ;42: 1640-5.
  4. Yamaura K, Bi Y, Ishiwatari M, Oishi N, Fukata H, Ueno K. : Sex differences in stress reactivity of hippocampal BDNF in mice are associated with the female preponderance of decreased locomotor activity in response to Zoolog Sci. 30 1019-1024 (2013)
  5. Yamaura K, Tomono A, Suwa E, Ueno K. : Sex-related differences in SLIGRL-induced pruritus in mice. Life Sciences. 94 54-57 (2014)
  6. Suwa E, Yamaura K, Sato S, Ueno K. : Increased expression of the histamine H4 receptor following differentiation and mediation of the H4 receptor on interleukin-8 mRNA expression in HaCaT keratinocytes. Exp Dermatol. 23 138-140 (2014)
  7. Sato, H., Siddig, S., Uzu, M., Suzuki, S., Nomura, Y., Kashiba, T., Gushimiyagi, K., Sekine, Y., Uehara, T., Arano, Y., Yamaura, K., Ueno, K. : Elacridar enhances the cytotoxic effects of sunitinib and prevents multidrug resistance in renal carcinoma cells. European Journal of Pharmacology 746 258-266 (2015)
  8. Yamaura K, Tanaka R, Bi Y, Fukata H, Oishi N, Sato H, Mori C, Ueno K. : Protective Effect of Young Green Barley Leaf (Hordeum vulgare L.) on Restraint Stress-Induced Decrease in Hippocampal BDNF in Mice. Pharmacognosy Mag. 11(42) (Suppl) S86-92, 2015
  1. Sato, H., Ishikawa, M., Sugai, H., Funaki, A., Kimura, Y., Sumitomo, M., Ueno, K. : Sex hormones influence expression and function of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ in adipocytes: pathophysiological aspects. The special issue of "Hormone Molecular Biology and Clinical Investigation (HMBCI), "Adiposopathy in Cancer and (Cardio) Metabolic Diseases: An Endocrine Approach 20(2) 51-61 (2014)
  2. 佐藤洋美, 宇津美秋 : がん治療ターゲットとしてのギャップジャンクションとコネキシン. 日本薬理学雑誌 145 1-6 (2015)
  3. 佐藤洋美, 上野光一 : 性差による薬物動態と薬効. 日本臨牀 (2015)
  1. 佐藤洋美, : 薬理学研究と共に進む道 日本薬理学雑誌 144 198 (2014)


  1. Sato, H., Sugai, H., Kurosaki, H., Ishikawa, M., Funaki, A., Kimura, Y., and Ueno, K.: The Effect of Sex Hormones on Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma Expression and Activity in Mature Adipocytes. Biol. Pharm. Bull, 36(4), 564-573 (2013)
  2. Yamamoto, M., Yamaura, K., Ishiwatari, M., Ueno, K.: Difficulty for consumers in choosing commercial bilberry supplements by relying only on product label information. Pharmacognosy Research, 5, 212-215 (2013)
  3. Guligena Tuerdi, Saki Ichinomiya, Hiromi Sato, Sana Siddig, Eriko Suwa, Hiroki Iwata,Tomohiro Yano, Koichi Ueno: Synergistic effect of combined treatment with gamma-tocotrienol and statin on human malignant mesothelioma cells. Cancer Letters, 33, 116-127 (2013)
  4. Hiromi Sato, Momoko Ishikawa, Asami Funaki, Yuki Kimura, Hiroya Yoshida,Hideki Fukata, Hideo Hasegawa, Koichi Ueno. : Cyclolepis genistoides D. Don (palo azul) promotes differentiation of adipocytes and regulates adipokine expression. Nutrition Research, 33, 922-931 (2013)
  5. Ryouya Nomura, Madoka Yanagihara, Hiromi Sato, Kenjiro Matsumoto, Kimihito Tashima, Shunji Horie, Shuonan Chen, Hiromichi Fujino, Kouichi Ueno, Toshihiko Murayama: Bee venom phospholipase A2-induced phasic contractions in mouse rectum: independent roles of eicosanoid and gap junction proteins and their loss in experimental colitis. European Journal of Pharmacology, 718, 314-322 (2013)
  6. 重森梓, 山浦克典, 諏訪映里子, 中野英治, 野本禎, 小川雅教, 上野光一: 高齢者投与禁忌薬に対する薬局薬剤師の認識及びその処方実態に関する研究. 医薬品医療機器レギュラトリーサイエンス, 44(5), 446-451 (2013)
  7. Yamaura, K., Bi, Y., Ishiwatari, M., Oishi, N., Fukata, H., Ueno, K.: Sex differences in stress reactivity of hippocampal BDNF in mice are associated with the female preponderance of decreased locomotor activity in response to restraint stress. Zoological Science, 30(12), 1019-24 (2013)
  8. Yamaura, K., Tomono, A., Suwa, E., Ueno, K.: Sex-related differences in SLIGRL-induced pruritus in mice. Life Sciences, 94(1), 19906 (2014)
  1. 上野光一, 佐藤洋美: 薬物投与設計の新手法:オーダーメイド医療,性差医療,時間治療・薬理(第3回)薬物動態の性差 その1. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet., 28, 3-8 (2013)
  2. 上野光一, 佐藤洋美: 薬物投与設計の新手法:オーダーメイド医療,性差医療,時間治療・薬理(第3回)薬物動態の性差 その2. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet., 28, 9-13 (2013)
  1. Yamaura, K., Ueno K, : Anti-pruritic and anti-inflammatory herbal or natural products for treatment of skin disease. In: Natural Bioactive Molecules: Impacts & Prospects (Goutam Brahmahari, ed.) pp.11.1-11.13, Alpha Science International (Oxford) (2013)
  2. 上野光一(分担執筆): 副作用発現に影響を及ぼす要因. みてわかる薬学 図解 薬害・副作用学, 114-121 (2013)


  1. Yamaura, K. Oda, M., Suzuki, M., and Ueno, K.: Lower expression of histamine H4 receptor in synovial tissues from patients with rheumatoid arthritis compared to those with osteoarthritis. Rheumatol. Int. 32: 3309-3313 (2012)
  2. Yamaura, K. Doi, R., Suwa,E., amd Ueno, K.: Repeated application of glucocorticoids exacerbate pruritus via inhibition of prostaglandin D2 production of mast cells in a murine model of allergic contact dermatitis. J. Toxicol. Sci. 37 (6): 1127-1134 (2012)
  3. Yamaura, K. Ishiwatari, M., Yamamoto, M., Shimada, M., Bi, Y., and Ueno, K.: Anthocyanins, but not Anthocyanidins, from Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) Alleviate Pruritus via Inhibition of Mast Cell Degranulation. J. Food Sci 77 (12): 262-267 (2012)
  4. Yamaura, K. Nakayama, N., Shimada, M., and Ueno, K.: Protective effects of natsumikan (Citrus natsudaidai) extract on acetaminophen-induced lethal hepatotoxicity in mice. Pharmacognosy Res. 4 (4): 234-236 (2012)
  5. Yamaura, K. Tomono, A., Suwa, E., and Ueno, K.: Topical royal jelly alleviates symptoms of pruritus in a murine model of allergic contact dermatitis. Pharmacognosy Mag. (2013)
  1. Sato, H. Ueno, K.: Connexin 43 Enhances the Cisplatin-Induced Cytotoxicity in Mesothelioma Cells, Mesotheliomas - Synonyms and Definition, Epidemiology, Etiology, Pathogenesis, Cyto-Histopathological Features, Clinic, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prognosis. Alexander Zubritsky (Ed.). (2012)
  2. Yamaura, K. Shigemori, A., Suwa, E., and Ueno, K.: Expression of the histamine H4 receptor in dermal and articular tissues. Life Sci. (2012)


  1. Takano, Y., Mitsuhashi, H., Ueno, K.: 1α,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 inhibits neutrophil recruitment in hamster model of acute lung injury. Steroids. 76 (12) 1305-1309 (2011)
  2. Yamaura, K., Doi, R., Suwa, E., Ueno, K.: A novel animal model of pruritus induced by successive application of glucocorticoid to mouse skin. The Journal of Toxicological Sciences. 36 (4) 395-401 (2011)
  3. Yamaura, K., Oda, M., Suwa, E., Suzuki, M., Sato, H., Ueno, K.: Expression of histamine H4 receptor in human epidermal tissues and attenuation of experimental pruritus using H4 receptor antagonist. The Journal of Toxicological Sciences. 34 (4) 427-431 (2009)
  4. Yamaura, K., Shimada, M., Nakayama, N., Ueno, K.: Protective effects of goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis L.) on acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity through inhibition of CYP2E1 in rats. Pharmacognosy Research. 3 (4) 250-255 (2011)
  5. Noriyuki Nakayama, Yamaura, K., Shimada, M., Ueno, K.: Extract from peel of Citrus natsudaidai alleviates experimental chronic allergic dermatitis in mice. Pharmacognosy Research. 3 (3) 155-159 (2011)
  6. Yamaura, K., Shimada, M., Ueno, K.: Anthocyanins from bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus L.) alleviate pruritus in a mouse model of chronic allergic contact dermatitis. Pharmacognosy Research. 3 (3) 173-177 (2011)
  7. Eriko Suwa, Yamaura, K., Oda, M., Namiki, T., Ueno, K.: Histamine H4 receptor antagonist reduces dermal inflammation and pruritus in a hapten-induced experimental model. European Journal of Pharmacology. 667383-388 (2011)
  8. Yamaura, K., Akiyama, S., Oda, M., Suwa, E., Ueno, K.: Acetaminophen enhances pruritus in a mouse model of contact dermatitis induced by suboptimal concentration of hapten. The Journal of Toxicological Sciences. 36 (5) 669-674 (2011)
  9. Yamaura, K., Oda, M., Suzuki, M., Ueno, K.: Lower expression of histamine H4 receptor in synovial tissues from patients with rheumatoid arthritis compared to those with osteoarthritis. Rheumatol Int. (2011)
  10. 山浦克典, 島田茉季, 中山典幸, 小川雅教, 野本禎, 中野英治, 並木隆雄, 上野光一: CYPデータベース薬物相互作用チェックシステムを用いた副作用症例情報の解析. Japanese Journal of Drug Informatics. 12 (3) 111-116 (2011)
  11. 山浦克典, 伊藤彩乃, 佐藤洋美, 仲栄間さつき, 柿倉遥, 上野光一: 病院における後発医薬品処方動向解析. 医薬品医療機器レギュラトリーサイエンス. 42 (12) 1072-1076 (2011)
  12. Namiki, T., Kakikura, H., Matsumoto, Y., Ueno, K., Sato, H., Chino, A., Hisanaga, A., Kaneko, A., Kita, T., Kihara, M., Shozu, M., Terasawa, K.: Clinical efficacy of anit-Mulerian hormone inspection in supporting diagnosis for climacteric disorders. Open Journal of Internal Medicine. 1 93-98 (2011)
  13. Ishikawa, T., Saito, T., Kurosawa, A., Watanabe, T., Maruyama, S., Ichikawa, Y., Yamada, R., Okuzawa, H., Sato, H., Ueno, K.: 2-Aryl-1,4-naphthoquinone-1-oxime Methyl Ethers: Their Cytotoxic Activity. Chem. Pharm. Bull. 59 472-475 (2011)
  14. Iwata, H., Sato, H., Suzuki, R., Yamada, R., Ichinomiya, S., Yanagihara, M., Okabe, H., Sekine, Y., Yano, T., Ueno, K.: A demethylating agent enhances chemosensitivity to vinblastine in a xenograft model of renal cell carcinoma. International Journal of Oncology. 381653-1661 (2011)
  15. Sato, H., Ito,A., A.G. Canga, Okuzawa, H., Ugai, K., Suzuki, M., Namiki, T., Ueno, K.: Association of Rsa Polymorphism of the Estrogen Receptor-β Gene with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology International. (2011)
  16. 岩田紘樹, 佐藤洋美, 岡部裕之, 矢野友啓, 関根祐子, 上野光一.: モルヒネのヒトがん細胞株の増殖に対する影響. 日本緩和医療薬学雑誌. 4 85-91 (2011)
  17. Sato, H., Yamada, R., Yanagihara, M., Okuzawa, H., Iwata, H., Kurosawa, A., Ichinomiya, S., Suzuki, R., Okabe, H., Yano, T., Kumamoto, T., Suzuki, N., Ishikawa, T., Ueno, K.: A new 2-aryl-1,4-naphthoquinone-1-oxime methyl ether compound induces microtubule depolymerization and subsequent apoptosis. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences. (2012)
  18. Yamaura, K., Akiyama, S., Ueno, K.: Increased expression of the Histamine H4 receptor subtype in hypertrophic differentiation of chondrogenic ATDC5 cells. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 1131054-1060 (2012)
  19. Yamaura, K., Nakayama, N., Shimada, M., Yuanyuan Bi, Fukata, H., Ueno, K.: Antidepressant-like effects of young green barley leaf (Hordeum vulgare L.) in the mouse forced swimming test. Pharmacognosy Research. 4 (1) 22-26 (2012)
  1. 山浦克典, 鈴木昌彦, 並木隆雄, 上野光一: ヒト組織におけるヒスタミン H4 受容体発現と臨床的意義. 日薬理誌. 135235-239 (2010)
  2. 上野光一, 佐藤洋美: 消化器を中心とした薬物代謝の性差. 成人病と生活習慣病. 41 (12) 1400-1403 (2011)
  3. P. González, F.A. González, Ueno, K.: Ivermectin in Human Medicine, An Overview of the Current Status of Its Clinical Applications. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology. 13000-000 (2011)
  4. 上野光一, 佐藤洋美: ≪高齢者に対する薬物の使い方の注意点≫薬物動態の加齢変化と処方の注意点. 臨床雑誌「内科」. 1081154-1156 (2011)
  5. Ueno, K., Sato, H.: Sex-related differences in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of antihypertensive drugs. Hypertension Research (Review Series). 35 (3) 245-50 (2012)
  6. Sato, H., Ueno, K.: Connexin 43 Enhances the Cisplatin-Induced Cytotoxicity in Mesothelioma Cells, Mesotheliomas - Synonyms and Definition, Epidemiology, Etiology, Pathogenesis, Cyto-Histopathological Features, Clinic, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prognosis. Alexander Zubritsky (Ed.). (2012)


  1. 佐藤洋美, 奥澤紘子, 山浦克典, 上野光一: 一般用医薬品販売制度改革に対する薬学生、薬剤師、一般消費者の意識比較に関する調査. 医療薬学. 36 (6) 406-412 (2010)
  2. González-Canga, A., Ugai, K., Suzuki, M., Okuzawa, H., Negishi, E., Ueno, K.: Association of cytosine adenine repeat polymorphism of the estrogen receptor-β gene with rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Rheumatology International. 30 (9) 1259-1262 (2010)
  3. 菅井波名, 鵜飼加奈子, 竹尾愛理, 平井愛山, 天野恵子, 並木隆雄, 佐藤洋美, 山浦克典, 村松正明, 上野光一: 更年期障害におけるERβ遺伝子多型解析と臨床応用. 漢方と最新治療. 19 (4) 341-348 (2010)
  4. Kumamoto, T., Suzuki, K., Sang-kook Kim., Hoshino, K., Takahashi, M., Sato, H., Iwata, H., Ueno, K., Fukuzumi, M., Ishikawa, M.: Synthesis, physical properties, and cytotoxicity of nitroxyl-aziridine hybrid. Helevetica Chimica Acta. 93 (11) 2109-2114 (2010)
  5. Takano, Y., Iwata, H., Yano, Y., Miyazawa, M., Virgona, N., Sato, H., Ueno, K., Yano, T.: Up-regulation of connexin 32 gene by 5-aza-2’-deoxycytidine enhances vinblastine-induced cytotoxicity in human renal carcinoma cells via the activation of JNK signaling. Biochem. Pharmacol. 80 (4) 463-470 (2010)
  6. 山浦克典, 島田茉季, 中山典幸, 小川雅教, 野本禎, 中野英治, 並木隆雄, 上野光一: CYPデータベース薬物相互作用チェックシステムを用いた副作用症例情報の解析. 医薬品情報学. 12 (3) 111-116 (2011)
  7. Ishikawa, T., Saito, T., Kurosawa, A., Watanabe, T., Maruyama, S., Ichikawa, Y., Yamada, R., Okuzawa, H., Sato, H., Ueno, K.: 2-Aryl-1, 4-naphthoquinone-1-oxime Methyl Ethers: Their Cytotoxic Activity. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin. (2011)
  8. Iwata, H., Sato, H., Suzuki, R., Yamada, R., Ichinomiya, S., Yanagihara, M., Okabe, H., Sekine, Y., Yano, T., Ueno, K.: A demethylating agent enhances chemosensitivity to vinblastine in a xenograft model of renal cell carcinoma. International Journal of Oncology. (2011)
  1. 佐藤洋美, 伊藤彩乃, 上野光一: 薬物効果における性差と人種差. 呼吸器内科. 17 (2) 190-197 (2010)
  2. 上野光一: 特集 だいじょうぶ!? ホルモンバランス 性差医療と性差薬学の現在 男女で異なる「薬の効き方」(取材). 栄養と料理. 76 (6) 90-97 (2010)
  3. 上野光一, 佐藤洋美: 病態生理からアプローチした薬物療法. 高齢者と薬物療法(上). ファーマシストぷらす. 8, 4-9 (2010)
  4. 上野光一, 佐藤洋美: 病態生理からアプローチした薬物療法. 高齢者と薬物療法(下). ファーマシストぷらす. 9, 4-9 (2010)
  5. 山浦克典, 鈴木昌彦, 並木隆雄, 上野光一: ヒト組織におけるヒスタミンH4受容体発現と臨床的意義. 日本薬理学雑誌. 6 (135) 235-239 (2010)
  6. 上野光一, 松本友香理, 佐藤洋美: 薬剤師の立場から考える更年期障害との上手な付き合い方. 更年期と加齢のヘルスケア. 9 (1) 134-140 (2010)
  7. 上野光一: わたしと薬理学との出会い. 日本薬理学雑誌. 136 (6) 313-314 (2010)
  8. 上野光一: 薬剤師の立場から考える更年期障害と漢方. Kampo Square.. 0 () (2010)
  9. 鄭忠和(班長), 上野光一(班員): 循環器領域における性差医療に関するガイドライン. Circulation Journal. 74 (0) 1085-1160 (2010)
  10. 佐藤洋美, 上野光一: 薬物代謝における性差. ファルマシア. 47 (3) 218-222 (2011)
  11. 上野光一: 大学生とセルフメディケーション. CAMPUS HEALTH. 48 (1) 91-94 (2011)
  1. Matsuda, Y., Yamaura, K., Suzuki, M., Namiki, T., Ueno, K.: Expression of histamine H4-receptor in human synovial cells and dermal tissues. In “Biomedical Aspects of Histamine” Shahid Mohammed, Khardori Nancy, Khan Rahat Ali, Tripathi Trivendra, eds: pp.371-379, Springer, New York. (2011)


  1. Misuzu Fujita, Koichi Ueno, Akira Hata : Lower Frequency of Daily Teeth Brushing Is Related to High Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors. Exp Biol Med, 234 (4) 387-394 (2009)
  2. 佐々木結花(国立病院機構千葉東病院 呼吸器科), 山岸文雄, 川崎剛, 志村龍飛, 水野里子, 藤川文子, 上野光一, 平井成和, 生城山克己, 曽束貴代, 中村高行 : 肺結核治療における肝障害とINH代謝. 医療 63 (5) 312-321 (2009)
  3. Misuzu Fujita, Koichi Ueno, Akira Hata : Effect of Obesity on Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes Declines with Age Among Japanese Women. Exp Biol Med, 234 (7) 750-757 (2009)
  4. Hiromi Sato, Hiroki Iwata, Yasuyuki Takano, Ryota Yamada, Hiroko Okuzawa, Yoji Nagashima., Katsunori Yamaura, Koichi Ueno, and Tomohiro Yano: Enhanced Effect of Connexin 43 on Cisplatin-Induced Cytotoxicity in Mesothelioma Cells. J Pharmacol Sci, 110 (4) 466-475 (2009)
  1. 上野光一, 佐藤洋美:薬物動態の性差. Clinical Neuroscience別冊 27 (10) 1131-1133 (2009)
  2. 上野光一, 佐藤洋美:薬物動態にみられる性差. 治療学 43 (12) 33-36 (2009)
  3. 上野光一, 菅井波名, 佐藤洋美:基礎および臨床研究の進歩 PPARγ標的薬物の性差発現機序とその臨床的意義. 日本臨床68 (2) 224-228 (2010)


  1. Fukino, K., Sasaki, Y., Hirai, S., Nakamura, T., Hashimoto, M., Yamagishi, F., Ueno, K.: Effects of N-acetyltransferase 2 (NAT2), CYP2E1 and Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) genotypes on the serum concentrations of isoniazid and metabolites in tuberculosis patients. J Toxicol Sci., 33 (2) 187-195 (2008)
  2. Ugai, K., Nishimura, K., Fukino, K., Nakamura, T., Ueno, K.: Functional analysis of transcriptional activity of cytosine and adenine (CA) repeats polymorphism in the estrogen receptor beta gene. J Toxicol Sci., 33 (2) 237-240 (2008)
  3. Sato, H., Hagiwara, H., Senba, H., Fukumoto, K., Nagashima, Y., Yamasaki, H., Ueno, K., Yano, T.: The inhibitory effect of connexin 32 gene on metastasis in renal cell carcinoma. Mol Carcinog., 47 (6) 403-409 (2008)
  4. Takeo, C., Ugai, K., Araki, J., Zhang, L., Baba, M., Ohashi, W., Ueno, K., Suzuki, Y., Amano, K., Hirai, A., Muramatsu, M.: Pharmacogenetics of hormone replacement therapy for climacteric symptoms. Biochem Biophys Res Commun., 374 (4) 604-608 (2008)
  5. Miida, H., Arakawa, S., Shibaya, Y., Honda, K., Kiyosawa, N., Watanabe, K., Manabe, S., Takasaki, W., Ueno, K.: Toxicokintic and toxicodynamic analysis of clofibrate based on free drug concentrations in nagase analbuminemia rats (NAR). J Toxicol Sci., 33 (3) 349-361 (2008)
  6. 奥澤紘子, 鵜飼加奈子, 武藤奈々美, 草間美嘉, 中村智徳, 上野光一: 一般用医薬品販売制度改革に対する薬学生の意識調査. 医療薬学 34 (9) 891-897 (2008)
  7. Ikawa, Y., Shiba, K., Ohki, E., Mutoh, N., Suzuki, M., Sato, H., Ueno, K.: Comparative study of histamine H4 receptor expression in human dermal fibroblasts. J Toxicol Sci., 33 (4) 503-508 (2008)
  8. Iwata, H., Tsuchiya, S., Ueno, K., Nakamura, T., Yano, S.: Morphine-6-glucuronide induces contraction of the ileal circular muscle more potently than morphine in mice. Eur J Pharmacol., 600 130-132 (2008)
  9. Miida, H., Noritake, Y., Shimoda, H., Honda, K., Matsuoka, T., Sakurai, K., Shirai, M., Manabe, S., Takasaki, W., Ueno, K.: Decrease in protein binding and its effect on toxicokinetics (TK)/toxicodynamics (TD) of diclofenac and propranolol in pregnant rats. J Toxicol Sci., 33(5) 525-536 (2008)
  10. Nakamura, T., Kodama, N., Oda, M., Tsuchiya, S., Arai, Y., Kumamoto, T., Ishikawa, T., Ueno, K., Yano, S.: The structure-activity relationship between oxycoumarin derivatives showing inhibitory effects on iNOS in mouse macrophage RAW264.7 cells. J Nat Med., 63(1) 15-20 (2009)
  11. Nakamura, T., Kodama, N., Arai, Y., Kumamoto, T., Higuchi, Y., Chaichantipyuth, C., Ishikawa, T., Ueno, K., Yano, S.: Inhibitory effect of oxycoumarins isolated from the Thai medicinal plant Clausena guillauminii on the inflammation mediators, iNOS, TNF-alpha, and COX-2 expression in mouse macrophage RAW 264.7. J Nat Med., 63(1) 21-27 (2009)
  12. Nakamura, T., Kodama, N., Kumamoto, T., Higuchi, Y., Chaichantipyuth, C., Ueno, K., Ishikawa, T., Yano, S.: Inhibitory effect of the extracts from Thai medicinal plants on iNOS expression in mouse macrophage RAW 264.7. J Nat Med.., 63(1) 107-110 (2009)
  13. Watanabe, D., Kerakawati, R., Morita, T., Nakamura, T., Ueno, K., Kumamoto, T., Nakanishi, W., Ishikawa, T., Uzawa, J., Seki, H., Tachi, M., Harada, K., Higuchi, Y., Chaichantipyuth, C.:Isolation of β-sitosterol and digalactopyranosyl-diacylglyceride from Citrus Hystrix, a Thai traditional herb, as pancreatic lipase inhibitors. Heterocycles., 78(6) 1497-1505 (2009)
  1. 上野光一:薬物動態と性差. 麻酔 58 51-58 (2009)


  1. Iwata, H., Tsuchiya, S., Nakamura, T., Yano, S.: Morphine leads to contraction of the ileal circular muscle via inhibition of the nitrergic pathway in mice. Eur. J. Pharmacol., 574 66-70 (2007)
  2. 萱沼智子, 根岸悦子, 安齋均, 西裕太郎, 高尾信廣, 井上忠夫, 上野光一: 高脂血症治療に対する薬物療法の処方実態調査. 医療薬学 33(9) 781-787 (2007)
  3. Sato, H., Fukumoto, K., Hada, S., Hagiwara, H., Fujimoto, E., Negishi, E., Ueno, K., and Yano, T.: Enhancing effect of connexin 32 gene on vinorelbine-induced cytotoxicity in A549 lung adenocarcinoma cells. Cancer Chemother. Pharmacol., 60 449-57 (2007)
  4. Sato, H., Senba, H., Virgona, N., Fukumoto, K., Ishida, T., Hagiwara, H., Negishi, E., Ueno, K., Yamasaki, H., and Yano, T.: Connexin 32 potentiates vinblastine-induced cytotoxicity in renal cell carcinoma cells. Mol. Carcinog., 46 215-224 (2007)
  5. Saito, T., Sato, H., Virgona, N., Hagiwara, H., Kashiwagi, K., Suzuki, K., Asano, R., and Yano, T.: Negative growth control of osteosarcoma cell by Bowman–Birk protease inhibitor from soybean;involvement of connexin 43. Cancer Lett., 253 249-257 (2007)
  6. 土屋静子,中村智徳,矢野眞吾: 非ステロイド抗炎症薬と同時投与されたラフチジンのラット胃粘膜障害形成に対する抑制効果 薬理と治療 35 159-164 (2007)
  7. Kobayashi, M., Yamaguchi, T., Odaka, T., Nakamura,T., Tsuchiya, S., Yano, S.: Regianally differential effects of sennoside A on spontaneous contractions of colon in mice. Basic Clin. Pharmacol. Toxicol.101, 121-126 (2007)
  8. Angelica Rodories Penuelas, Tashima, K., Nakamura, T, Tsuchiya, S., Horie, S., Yano, S.: Contractile effect of TRPA1 receptor agonists in the isolated mouse intestine. Eur. J. Pharmacol. 576 143-150 (2007)
  9. Fukino, K., Kawashima, T., Suzuki, M., Ueno, K.: Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase and reduced folate carrier-1 genotypes and methotrexate serum concentrations in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J. Toxicol. Sci., 32 449-452 (2007)
  10. Ohki, E., Suzuki, M., Aoe, T., Ikawa, Y., Negishi E., Ueno, K., Expression of histamine H4 receptor in synovial cells from rheumatoid arthritic patients. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 30 2217-2220 (2007)
  11. Ikawa, Y., Yonekawa, T., Ohkuni, Y., Kuribayashi, M., Fukino, K., Ueno, K.: A comparative study of histamine activities on differentiation of osteoblasts and osteoclasts. J. Toxicol. Sci., 32 555-564 (2007)
  12. 小茂田昌代, 増田光枝, 橋本薫, 杉浦しず恵, 杉山奈津子, 上野光一: チェック式指導記録発行システムの開発-高齢者プロブレム解決支援と記録の合理化-. 医療薬学 34(2) 135-1412 (2008)
  13. Hagiwara, H., Sato, H., Ohde, Y., Takano, Y., Seki, T., Ariga, T., Hokaiwado, N., Asamoto, M., Shirai T, Nagashima Y, Yano T.: 5-Aza-2'-deoxycytidine suppresses human renal carcinoma cell growth in a xenograft model via up-regulation of the connexin 32 gene. Br J Pharmacol., 153(7) 1373-81 (2008).
  1. 上野光一:薬剤師にとっての女性医療とは.月刊薬事 49(8) 2007
  2. 上野光一:くすりと性差. 性差医療・医学研究会 第4回学術集会 記録誌2007 27-32
  3. 上野光一:Gender-specific Medicine 性差医療. 日薬理誌 130 430-432 (2007)
  4. Sato, H., Hagiwara, H., Ohde, Y., Senba, H., Virogona, N., and Yano, T.: Regulation of renal cell carcinoma cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis by connexin 32 gene. J Membrane Biol 216 17-21 (2007)
  5. 竹澤俊明, 竹内朋代, 柳原佳奈, 中沢有紀子, 二谷綾, 寺田聡, 落合孝広, 上野光一 : 動物組織を薄切した切片担体及びコラーゲンビトリゲル薄膜担体を利用した培養モデルの特徴と創薬研究への応用構想. YAKUGAKU ZASSHI 128 51-60 (2008)


  1. Nakamura, T., Komai, N., Isogami, I., Ueno, K., Ikegami, F., Ono, K., Yano, S.: Memory and learning-enhancing effect of Daikenchuto, a traditional Japanese herbal medicine, in mice. J. Nat. Med., 60, 64-67 (2006)
  2. Negishi, E., Takeo, C., Nakajima, A., Hisamitsu, K., Amano, K., Hirai, A., Ueno, K.: Analysis of Correlation between Prescription Drugs for Climacteric Disorders and CA Repeat Polymorphism of Estrogen Receptor b Gene. Jpn. J. Pharm. Health. Care Sci. 32, 21-26 (2006)
  3. Komoda, M., Masuda, M., Hashimoto, K., Koshibe, S., Sugiyama, N., Ueno, K.: Development of a novel computer system for recording prescription updates and disseminating them to other medical staff. Jpn. J. Pharm. Care Sci., 32, 227-234 (2006)
  4. Hagiwara, H., Sato, H., Shirai, S., Kobayashi, S., Fukumoto, K., Ishida, T., Seki, T., Ariga, T., Yano, T.: Connexin 32 down-regulates the fibrinolytic factors in metastatic renal cell carcinoma cells. Life Sciences, 78, 2249-2254 (2006)
  5. Fujimoto, E., Sato, H., Shirai, S., Nagashima, Y., C Hagiwara, H., Negishi, E., Ueno, K., Omori, Y., Yamasaki, H., Hagiwara, K., Yano, T., :Inhibition of Src activity enhances the tumor-suppressive effect of the connexin 32 gene in Caki-1 renal cancer cells. Oncology reports15, 1359-1365 (2006)


  1. Fujimoto, E., Sato, H., Nagashima, Y., Negishi, E., Shirai, S., Fukumoto, K., Hagiwara, H., Hagiwara, K., Ueno, K., Yano, T.: A Src family inhibitor (PPI) potentiates tumor-suppressive effect of connexin 32 gene in renal cancer cell. Life Sciences, 76, 2711-2720 (2005)
  2. Umeda, S., Harakawa, N., Yamamoto, M., Ueno, K.: Effect of Nonspecific Binding to Microsomes and Metabolic Elimination of Buprenorphine on the Inhibition of Cytochrome P4502D6. Biol. Pharm. Bull. 28, 212-216(2005)
  3. Fujimoto, E., Yano, T., Sato, H., Hagiwara, K., Yamasaki, H., Shirai, S., Fukumoto, K., Hagiwara, H., Negishi, E., Ueno, K.: Cytotoxic Effect of the Her-2/Her-1 Inhibitor PKI-166 on Renal Cancer Cells Expressing the Connexin 32 Gene. J. Pharmacolo. Sci., 97, 294-298 (2005)
  4. 根岸悦子,土門由佳,中島綾,橋本雅代,上野光一,性差医療への薬剤師の関わり方に関する調査研究1- 千葉大学薬学部学生へのアンケート結果 -,性差と医療2, 1005-1010 (2005)
  5. 根岸悦子,土門由佳 ,上田まなみ,門脇京子,上野光一: 医療機関から処方されている医薬品の男女別使用実態に関する研究. YAKUGAKU ZASSHI 125, 821-827 (2005
  6. Takeo, C., Negishi, E., Nakajima, A., Ueno, K., Tatsuno, I., Saito, Y., Amano, K., Hirai, A.: Association of Cytosine-Adenine Repeat Polymorphism of The Estrogen Receptor-b Gene With Menopausal Symptoms. Gender Med. 2, 96-105 (2005)
  7. Fujimoto, E., Sato, H., Shirai, S., Nagashima, Y., Fukumoto, K., Hagiwara, H., Negishi, E., Ueno, K., Omori, Y., Yamasaki, H., Hagiwara, K., Yano, T.: Connexin32 as a tumor suppressor gene in a metastatic enal cell carcinoma cell line. Oncogene, 24, 3684-3690 (2005)
  8. Yonezawa, Y., Nagashima, Y., Sato, H., Virgona, N., Fukumoto, K., Shirai, S., Hagiwara, H., Seki, T., Ariga, T., Senba, H., Suzuki, K., Asano, R., Hagiwara, K., Yano, T.: Contribution of the Src family of kinases to the appearance of malignant phenotypes in renal cancer cells. Mol Carcinog. 43, 188-197 (2005)
  9. Fukumoto, K., Yano, Y., Virgona, N., Hagiwara, H., Sato, H., Senba, H., Suzuki, K., Asano, R., Yamada, K., Yano, T.: Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta as a molecular target to regulate lung cancer cell growth. FEBS Letters. 579, 3829-3836, (2005)
  10. Ikawa, Y., Suzuki, M., Shiono, S., Ohk,i E., Moriya, H., Negishi, E., Ueno, K.: Histamine H4 Receptor Expression in Human Synovial Cells Obtained from Patients Suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis, Biol. pharm. Bull. 28, 2016-2018 (2005)
  11. Ueno, K., Ikawa, Y., Kuribayashi, M., Funatsu, T., Keto, Y., Hirata, T., Sasamata, M.: Effect of famotidine on arthritic inflammation ?Using a rat adjuvant arthritis model-. Jpn. Pharmacol. Ther., 33, 765-772 (2005)


  1. Fijimoto, E., Sato, H., Negishi, E., Ueno, K., Nagashima, Y., Hagiwara, K., Yamasaki, H., Yano, T.: Negative growth control of renal cell carcinoma cell by connexin 32: Possible involvement of Her 2. Mol. Ciecinogenesis, 40, 135-142 (2004)